With "Parks On The Air", "Summits On The Air", "Silos On The Air" etc etc.. being very popular these days for all Hams around the world.. Why not try it yourself.

Last Saturday 2nd Oct after the club meeting.. Gerard, Roy, Craig & Peter, decided to hit the local Park only around 8k from the club rooms.
The Pines Flora and Fauna Reserve VK-2795
Well.. we had a great time.. and made around 12 contacts using my IC-705 running 10 watts and my EFHW, strung up through a tree.

As the weather gets a little warmer, the club will be activating more sites.. So if you are interested in coming along or creating your own group.. Get in contact with Roy.
You can also get involved in building your own UNUN Transformer so you can use a simple End Fed Half Wave Antenna. Click Here for details.
Was lots of fun.. More club members should get involved !😀