
Our club rooms situated in the grounds of Cornish College offer a location for members to meet twice a week, Wednesday and Saturday mornings from around 9.30am to 1pm. When the entrance gate to the college is closed, you will require a code to open and close the gates, this can be obtained from our clubs Admins. Please close the gate behind you. Do not reveal the code to non members.
View our location Map Here
Club Rooms:
Famparc is one of the more fortunate radio clubs in Victoria in that we have our own dedicated club rooms. Not only that, the club is located away from power lines and free from RF noise and interference that a lot of us are plagued by in metro locations.
Famparc has a wonderful website offering a range of information and more. www.vk3frc.org.au
The meetings are informal except on the first Saturday in each month when we hold a formal meeting where the president, secretary and treasurer present their respective reports and members present ideas for discussion. All members are welcome at these meetings and your input is important to ensure there is a broad view of ideas available so please come along and support your club.
Getting Started:
Let’s keep this simple.. Amateur Radio can be massive..
There are so many avenues to this wonderful hobby it can been seen as daunting. So, it’s best to start simple. We recommend to start small and work up.. Our members can assist in choosing a radio.
Although a Hand Held Transceiver (Fig.1.) is an excellent start into Amateur Radio, however due to the limitations, small antenna, low power, this can create frustration in reaching others Hams or even a local Repeater.
A radio (Fig.2.) with higher power & more features and with an external antenna would be a better option. These radios have many more options & features, it will also help in future proofing your journey into Amateur Radio.
Feel free to talk to any of our members, as they can steer you in the right direction without breaking the budget.
Of course you will require your Amateur Radio License, again our club members can assist you.
There is much information on our website.


Who Can you Contact?:
We have a dedicated "New Members" officer that will look after new members.
You can make contact with Phillip, via a dedicated email address for new members. See Button Below
Phillip VK3LRO​ Famparc New Members Officer
Phillip with offer you assistance on joining the club, as well as answer any question you may have.

Our Shack:
The club also has a Radio Shack which available to all members, currently the shack has a Icom IC-7300 HF Transceiver & Icom IC-9700 VHF/UHF & Digital Transceiver (Fig.3.), and to further enhance the features of these very popular transceivers, the club also has a state of the art UltraBeam Antenna coupled to a Rotator located at the top of our club Tower.
We are also upgrading our shack all the time with new equipment and radios to cover other bands and frequencies.
We also have available to members both Dstar and DMR Radios for all to use.
Welcome to the Frankston and Mornington Peninsula Amateur Radio Club and this exciting hobby!

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