New Members Questionnaire
The Frankston and Mornington Peninsula Amateur Radio Club welcomes you to our club.
We understand that many clubs have issues in keeping their members, at Famparc we try our hardest to involve our new members within the club, so to keep them!
We are asking you for ideas..
What we can offer your as a club.
What you can offer to the club.
I would like to be on the Committee
Example: President, Secretary, Treasurer etc.
Coordinating Projects such as Antenna Building, Balun Kits, Electronic Kits etc.
Assist with Club Marketing, Website, Promoting the Club etc.
I like to build things.. Antennas are my favourite. I just Love Antennas
I like to build things.. Baluns. UNUN's, Electronics etc..
I like to build things.. Radios, Receivers, Transceivers etc.
I like to Participate in Contests when they happen.
I like to Activate in the field, Outdoors, Camping, etc.
I like to Activate in Parks, like WWFF, POTA, SOTA etc.
I like to Activate Digital Modes like FT8, FT4, JS8Call
I like to Activate Digital Modes like DStar, DMR, Fusion, AllStar etc.
I prefer to use the FM Mode, via Simplex or via a Repeater.
I prefer to use the AM Mode
I prefer to use the SSB Mode. (Single Sideband)
I prefer to use the SHF, UHF & VHF Bands
I prefer to use the HF Band, as they allow me long distance communications.