Allstar node

AllStarLink is a network of Amateur Radio repeaters, remote base stations and hot spots accessible to each other via Voice over Internet Protocol.
AllStarLink runs on a dedicated computer (including the Rasperry Pi) that you host at your home, radio site or computer center.
It is based on the open source Asterisk PBX running our app_rpt application. App_rpt makes Asterisk a powerful system capable of controlling one or more radios.
It provides linking of these radio "nodes" to other systems of similar construction anywhere in the world via VoIP.
AllStarLink's primary use is as a dedicated computer node wired to your repeater or radio.
Connections from Echolink, other VoIP clients and telephone calls are supported.
AllStarLink has 31,592 users and 31,391 nodes.

How, What, Where, Who?​
A simple explanation to AllStar and the network.​
This is a simple AllStar Node HotSpot setup that can be at the club rooms, home, caravan, man-cave etc. Or simply connect via your local FM Repeater that is connected to the AllStar Network, like VK3RSU.
VK3RSU. 438.100Mhz, -7Mhz Offset (431.100Mhz). 91.5 CTCSS

Using a simple FM Transceiver on say UHF 441.250Mhz, with a CTCSS Tone of 91.5, you listen and transmit via your own Node.

This is your AllStar Hotspot Node, it is assigned a Node Number when you apply on-line to AllStar. (We can explain this another time)
The HotSpot requires it to be set to the same frequency and tone as your transceiver.
Your RF Transmission is received by the small antenna on the HotSpot.
There is a small RF Hat board connected to the Raspberry Pi Motherboard.
The Raspberry Pi is running an operating system and program that controls the RF in and RF out as also links your Hotspot to the AllStar network.
There are thousands of Nodes around the world, these include Hubs and individual Nodes.
They all have a unique number.
Using a command, for example. *3xxxxx (x being the node number), from your radio using DTMF tones when transmitting, this instructs your HotSpot to link to the requested Node Number.

I think we all know what this graphic denotes, the Internet.
Your HotSpot (Which has it's own unique assigned Node Number, it connected to the Internet.
This can be done either via an Ethernet Cable (Recommend) or as the Raspberry Pi has inbuilt Wifi, once it's configured to connect to your wifi, the connection to the Internet is then done using your wifi.
Using the Internet, your can connect to other Node Hotspots the same or similar to your own.
And those other Node Hotspots can also connect back to your Node Hotspot. Yes. All via the Internet.
These Nodes can be down the street, or around the other side of the globe.

This is a AllStar Hub, it allows many many Nodes and other Hubs around the world to connect to each other. Other Hubs and Node HotSpots can connect to these Hubs.
It allows amazing connectivity around the world.
To connect to a Hub it's just like connecting to another Node. (*3xxxxx)
Connections and confirmed by an Audible reply via your Radio.

This is a typical FM Repeater, some of these Repeaters are also connected to AllStar Hubs.
If you can access these AllStar connected Repeaters, you can also use the AllStar network.
So a normal chat via this repeater, will not only have your transmission be repeated around the Repeaters footprint, you will also be sent thru the AllStar network depending on the Repeaters AllStar connection. VK3RSU. 438.100Mhz, -7Mhz Offset (431.100Mhz). 91.5 CTCSS
So.. In summing up..
What do you need to get onto the AllStar system?
A simple FM Transceiver 2M/70cm. (Handheld, Mobile, Base Station.)
A AllStar Node HotSpot as per item (1), this will allow you to have your own Node, for use at home or out and about. (If you have a local AllStar Connected Repeater, you can use the Repeater, but this maybe locked to only one Node or Hub from the thousands of other Nodes, so it may restrict the freedom of connecting to other Hubs and Nodes etc)
If you are running your own personal Node as item (1), you do need to registered on the AllStar Network, which will supply you with your personal and Unique Node Number.
A Internet connection, this can be via your local home Wifi, or via your Smartphone or 3g/4g Dongle, a connection for your own Node HotSpot to the Internet is a must for you to be able to connect to the AllStar system.
And of course a Amateur Radio License.
To Learn More or to Register for a Allstar Node Number.. Click Here
There are many Digital modes around for connection to other Hams around the world.
Example: DStar, DMR, Fusion, etc etc.
However, the AllStar system is perhaps the lowest cost outlay, with just a simple FM VHF/UHF transceiver, and a AllStar Node Hotspot.
The Audio is amazing, as it is not using Digital Codecs to compress and digitise the signal and audio. So even though you could be talking to another Ham around the world, it is basically a FM signal and audio.​
To listen or become involved with AllStar, setup your Transceiver to access the Victoria Repeater, VK3RSU. 438.100Mhz, -7Mhz Offset (431.100Mhz). 91.5 CTCSS. Have a listen or have a chat.
Keep watching this page for more information as it becomes available.