I enjoy going portable, sometimes with a beam for VHF and or UHF and even give out a (very) few numbers on contest days.
But my favourite is playing HF portable either with a squid pole or throwing a wire into a tree which works well and I've done very well with this at times. I know some members are very good at this.
This could be coupled with a 'Go Bag' demonstration showing what we take to play portable.
How about a demonstraiton day for new members?
WOW. You mean I actually have to do something (instead of getting others to do all the work)!!!! Just kidding 😁. That is a good idea. Sounds like fun. I'm making up a new antenna at the moment to add to the go-bag. I'll let you know. Maybe we could get a couple of people bring theirs.
Hi Richard,
Great idea mate.. As always.. Feel free to drop in and show off your gear..