One of the hazards of gated community lifestyles or retirement villages is ambient QRM. Generally in the normal suburban block QRM isn’t a major problem. I don’t think we really appreciated how big a problem local QRM would be when we moved. There are a number of ways to overcome this. One way is to join a local radio club and make use of the facilities provided there. Another is portable operations. Yesterday I chose the later. The Chelsea Heights Hotel is extremely close to where we live. And they have a huge empty car park with room to spare. I wanted to try out the FAMPARC Unun and my EFHW.

The photo is the feed point of the antenna. The other end is up in a tree. It is a good thing no one saw my amusing attempts to get a stick with rope attached up into the tree. However it did work. At 1700 hrs local time I attempted to contact the KANDOSS group on 7.093. VK5MRE was the net controller. I received him 5/7-9. He gave me a signal report of 4/5. Mike, VK3ZMD was 5/9+20 as was Frank VK3VEF. Ron, VK5MRE is located at Barmera in SA not far from Berri. Another I heard was Tom, VK4ATH Tom was 5/3 and is in Brisbane. The advantages of portable operations are being able to choose where you will operate from and the ability to avoid QRM. Disadvantages? Having to setup and pack up every time you want to operate. Till next time.
Kudos for getting out and doing it.
Well done Stan, Great work.
Mani, VK3IR
Fantastic Stanley !! Great effort and even better to see someone from the club out and about..
Good effort and a very interesting read indeed... Good work !!
Love to see more !
Craig vk3ncr😀