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Hello Fellow Members,

It has been my intentions to incorporate some Digital Modes to the clubs shack for all to use.

There were thoughts that connecting another device via the USB connection on the back of the IC-7300 would upset the connection to both the Amplifier and the Ultrabeam systems. I thought that as well..

Well.. after lots of experimenting and also the help of Youtube, I have tested today the operation of my MacBook connected to the USB port on the IC-7300, and after configuring the radio so it will talk to the Laptop & without interrupting the other devices as above, I am very pleased to say that it worked without a hitch.

Using bands such as 40M, 20M, 15M & 10M.. I was able to make contact with around 20 or so stations around the globe.

So.. after all of that, I decided to power down the whole system, remove the Laptop and restart it all so to make sure that all normal operation was ok.. I am very pleased to say that all worked as per normal with no interruption to the Amp, Beam etc..

Here I a quick video of the setup working on FT8, using the WSJTX App.

All we need is a nice fast PC or Laptop..

Your comments and thoughts will be appreciated.



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