As of Saturday 2nd Nov. I have learned that VK3RSU is now fully functional and has been reconnected to the AllStar system via Node 50522.

Repeater Details.
Call Sign: VK3RSU
Connected to AllStar Node 50522
Band: 70cm
Modes: FM
Transmission Frequency: 438.1MHz
Reception Frequency: 432.7MHz
Location: Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
There is a net held on the AllStar Network each weekday from 10am.
The Welfare Net.
You can connect via VK3RSU FM Repeater or via any AllStar connected Repeater or personal Node as well as your phone. (Via AllStar Node 50522)

Hi Guys,
Thanks for the comments.
Yes... perhaps we need to see if we have a FM Radio at the club that has a com port and setup a Simplex Node... and buy the one off Gerard.
Thanks for the update.
FAMPARC needs to get its own node??
Thanks for posting this very helpful
I thought it has been a bit quiet of late