The Australian Men’s Shed Association celebrated 30 years of men’s sheds in Australia, and the Safety Beach Dromana Men’s Shed is hosted “the shedder’s big breakfast” on Wednesday 23 August from 8am to midday.
Our club was invited to show off Amateur Radio as well as our club. Many of us arrived around 7am to setup our clubs pop-up tent, as well as the clubs promotional gear, tables and radios.
There were many others from other walks of life and hobbies. SPARC club also represented their club and the Amateur Radio hobby.
There were food refreshment stalls as well, and lots of coffee for a simple Gold Coin donation.
Our club members:
Craig vk3ncr
Roy vk3gb
Ken vk3mjf
Murray vk3fadx
Stanley vk3bot
Barry vk3vv
Mani vk3ir
Harry vk3har
John vk3jco
did a great job both with the setup of our display and promoting both our club and our great hobby, Amateur Radio.
Unfortunately due limitation in our HF antenna setup, HF did not do all that well. However the small IC-705 did a great job demonstrating the use of Digital modes such as DStar and the ability to contact and chat with people from around the world. Many contacts were made to the USA via the DStar VK3RWN on Mt Dandenong.
The weather was extremely kind to us with just perfect morning to be outdoors.
Thank you to the Dromana Mens Shed and the Australian Men’s Shed Association for this terrific event, we will be back next year.
Thank you also to our terrific bunch of guys from our club that made the time for this event, I do hope you enjoyed yourselves.. I did that's for sure.
I apologise if I left someone out from the members list above. Please feel free to update me.
Would also love to see some comments below.

A very impressive setup inside their Mens’ Shed. Mind blowing range of tools available for use by members!
Interesting displays of some members handiwork skills and hobbies.
David Parkin (ex Carlton coach, Victoria College/Deakin Uni lecturer) invited to give an inspirational healthy lifestyle motivational talk to which I listened with interest.
Good companions, a great occasion.