The Club runs QRP Contests on a formal and informal basis throughout the year. These contests give you a chance to test your QRP operating skills, your QRP equipment and to meet other QRP operators in a fun and challenging way.
The QRP Hours Contest runs from time to time during the year. It is named because of the way it is structured: with one hour dedicated to CW and digital modes, followed by one hour of SSB. The QRP Hours Contest varies throughout the year, operating with slightly different conditions, predominantly what bands are permitted, conditions permitting.
The next QRP Hours Contest has been scheduled for: Sunday, October 20, 2024 on 40M
Please have a look at the contest rules: QRP Hours Contest 2024 Oct Rules
The aim of the contest is to make as many contact in a one-hour period using your choice of mode. The contest is open to all Amateur Radio Operators.
The results of past QRP Hours contests can be retrieved here in PDF format.

QRP HOURS CONTEST – 40m – Sunday, 20th October 2024
0400-0459 UTC – CW/FT4 digital
0500-0559 UTC – SSB/digital voice
Sponsored by the VK QRP Club, the AIM of this contest is to make as many
contacts as possible within two one-hour blocks. Whilst the event will be supported
by QRP Club Members, it is open to all licensed amateurs.
Output Power Limit: 5 watts CW/Digital, 10 watts PEP on SSB.
Modes: First Hour – CW/Digital
Second Hour – SSB/Digital voice
Frequencies: CW 7.010 – 7.040 MHz
Digital: FT4: 7040-7060. Suggested USB dial frequency 7047.5
You can operate on both CW and FT4 during the first hour if you wish.
SSB/Digital voice 7.060 – 7.170 Avoid the digital modes around 7077 and if active, the AM net on 7125 (work them if you can).
Exchange a three-digit serial number starting at 001 and incrementing by 1 for
each new contact. If you are continuing from the first hour to the second (in a new
mode) you can continue to increment your contact numbers if you like. There is no
need to restart from 001 in the 2nd block.
Score one point per contact.
Logs are invited from QRP stations only.
The following information is essential for each line of your log:
Time UTC - Band - Mode - Callsign worked - Number sent - Number received
Contacts should be listed in the order in which they happened and with the serial
numbers actually sent. Include errors made as they need to be cross-checked
against other logs.
Signal reports are not required on air or in your log, but you are
welcome to include signal reports in your contacts. VKCL assumes you are
sending signal reports and a 3 digit serial number. N1MM logger assumes all
reports are 59 or 599
Digital FT4. Every digital contact must be initiated and controlled by the operator,
no auto-sequencing is to be used.
Logging Software:
1. VKCL Logger has an option for this contest. It outputs in Cabrillo V3 format
and is compatible with the VK Log Checker.
After completing the contest, navigate the menu to export the Cabrillo file as that
is the only file accepted by the log checker. Details below.
2. N1MM logger: go to Alan VK4SN’s website for his instructions on how to use
N1MM+ with a user defined contest file, at and download the UDC file at
3. Another log capture option is to use Fast Log Entry (FLE) in contest mode so it
will capture numbers sent and received. Read the user manual. Save log as
Cabrillo. Can be used live or after the contest. You may need to edit the output file
to be sure it has selected all the options you want. You can edit with any plain text
editor – not Word! ADIF output available for upload to your station log.
Logs (in Cabrillo format only) from QRP stations can be submitted to where you will find this contest listed. Select this
contest, find the “log upload” option and upload your Cabrillo file. An automated
receipt for the log will be emailed to you.
If uploading the Cabrillo file fails completely and you can’t figure out what has
gone wrong, please email Do it early enough and you
may find out what has gone wrong and you can complete it yourself.
4. If you cannot use one of those loggers, please send your log by email as a text file, or excel spreadsheet to No PDFs please.
Log deadline is 8 days after the contest. ie. 28th October, 2024 at 1200 UTC
Good luck and have fun in the contest.
Best regards,
Garry VK2GAZ #121.

I made 9 contacts, 10W SSB only, on 40m. I thought band conditions were down, very noisy. I was pleased with that. After about 4:30pm conditions picked up a little, so I had a 45 minute QSO with a VK5 and VK3, all on 10W.
Anyone else going to give this a go on Sunday? Toying with the idea myself.
Richard vk3txd