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POTA, WWFF ?? updated

Hello Members,

Well I think I have figured it out...(I did say I think?)

I understand that many of us may be confused about all this fuss about operating from Parks, Summits etc..

Well.. After watching a Youtube Clip (See Below), about the difference between POTA "Parks On The Air) and the other WWFF "World Wide Flora & Fauna". As for SOTA, "Summits on the Air", or Silos on the Air.. Let's skip that for the moment.

IO have been using a IOS App called ParksNPeaks for a while which generates a log file that you can then send to the WWFF website.. or

However, and without down playing both the websites, I find that these are very difficult to use and also upload your log files.

Also.. The Call sign for the Parks are different for POTA and WWFF.. Sooo confusing..

For example my nearby park, Langwarrin Flora & Fauna Reserve has the Code or Callsign as:

POTA: VK-0357 Langwarrin Flora & Fauna Reserve Conservation Park

WWFF VKFF-2031 Langwarrin Flora & Fauna Reserve

Now after fluffing around and trying to work out how all this worked, I have decided to stick with the POTA system..

The POTA Website is absolutely amazing to use.. Very well designed and simple to navigate.

POTA Website

Above: Map Display

Above: Spot

Above: Awards earned.. I was amazed by this, finding out a few months ago that I had one a few awards for being a Hunter.. A Hunter is someone who replies to a Park Activator.

Above: You can easily upload your Log via this page.

Above: Although in Beta at the moment, there is also a Manual entry for your Park Contacts, once you return from a Park.. So whilst at the Park, simply recored your contacts via the best method, Pen and Paper, and when you return, simply add each contact via the above page. This will then allow you to generate a ADIF Log so you can then keep a copy for yourself then upload it as per the page above.

Above: Here is another example of this very trick website. You can simply view all the Stations you have made contact with even via all the different modes.. As other stations activate a Park and then upload their log to this POTA website, if you have made a contact with that station, you will see your details appear on the screen as above. You will also then gain points and eventually win an award.

So.. have a play around on this very trick website and also register... It's free and if you don't want to get out and activate a park, you can gain points and awards by simply being registered on the POTA website and making a contact to station that is activating a park.

To learn more.. Drop me a email.. And I'll try and answer your question... Remember I'm still learning too.

Watch the video below to learn more.

Enjoy getting on the air and get out there!


Craig vk3ncr


After activating a Park between Nyora and Poowong, yesterday, Sunday 16th Oct.. I realised that every one I spoke to wanted the WWFF Park Number and not the POTA Park Number.. Which to me was a disappointment, as the POTA system is so much easier to use.

So, I have created using the software I have a ADIF file using the POTA Park Number, and then using the ParksNPeaks App on my IOS device, created a ADIF file using the WWFF Park Numbers... Gee... I wish we only had one system.

Oh well.

Nyora Park:

WWFF No. VKFF-2169

POTA No. VK2089

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