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For those of you that are lucky enough to have an Apple iMac or Macbook, you know doubt know of the beautiful macOS operating system the these computers use, and the simplicity on how the OS works.

There is an excellent macOS App called RUMLog NG, a brilliant full bells and whistles Ham Radio Logging program.

I have been using this amazing Logging program since around 2010 for memory.

It is updated on a very regular basis.

I have been working with Tom, the App designer and builder to add the up and coming Australia Day Contest.. There are many many Contest that he has available.

I have now Beta tested the Contest addition the program and also worked with Alan VK4SN to make sure the uploaded file is in the correct format for the contest. He has approved the file format.

So Tom, the App designer and writer, has submitted the updated version to the Apple App Store. Once approved by Apple, it will be available for worldwide download.

Note: This is not just a Contest Program, it is also a fully blown Logging program that will talk to you modern transceiver, as well as integrate into your WSJTS (FT8) software, as well as update, QRZ, HamLog, HamQth and much more.

There is also IOS Apps for both iPhone and iPad, that also talk to your database that RUMLog NG uses.. For example, you can have your Database stored within the Apple Cloud, so that any changes are also updated across all devises and vice a versa.

Note: Except for offering help to the designer which then helps other Hams, I have no affiliation to this program etc.

Hope this helps..



65 views3 comments


Unknown member
Jan 19, 2024

Rum log has been around for a long time. It’s a good program


Unknown member
Jan 19, 2024

Sounds great I’ll check it out, thanks 🤓

Unknown member
Jan 19, 2024
Replying to

John, you can also download the iOS version

It also has the ability to connect to you ic705


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