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Hello budding DXpeditioners

Have you ever wondered what DX-peditioning is all about?

Would you like to dip your toe in the water without a full-on commitment?

Would you like to join a DX-pedition but are unsure of how to get on the invitation list?

Do you want to experience being on the business end of the pileup and build DXing skills?

A DX-pedition is a great way to improve your operating skills as well.

Well, the Norfolk Island DX-pedition Bootcamp might be for you.

Experienced DX-peditioners will be on Norfolk Island for 12-14 days in the second half of March 2023 (est 15-28 March – NOTE: dates subject to fine tuning) . The format of the event will be hands-on, with some presentations and a Bootcamp dinner (or two).

Most importantly, you’ll get hands-on experience in a safe, friendly environment.

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