Earlier today, Wednesday 21st June, ACMA had prearranged a zoom session with all current AMC Amateur radio examination assessors.
This was to inform them of the new arrangements ACMA plan to be implementing now that AMC have officially informed ACMA they will not be renewing the deed to continue the exam services after February 2024.
ACMA propose to initially replicate many of the current AMC exam processes but with a couple of welcomed changes which were enthusiastically received by most assessors on the information session.
Proposed is that assessors will once again be able to mark the exams for the candidates at the completion of the exam as the WIA had been doing previously to AMC. Candidates now would be informed of their results and can be provided with direct feedback on the exam results or areas that may need attention if they may need to re-sit again.
Currently only one assessor is required to conduct an exam and this is being continued.
Assessor accreditation will be required along with Working with Children type compliance.
Assessor guidelines will need to be agreed to as assessors will have a binding contract with the ACMA , a federal organization.
Exams will be delivered electronically and results uploaded to the new exam portal saving mailing costs and delays in results processing. Along with the ability to provide remote exams via a skype video session or similar there is no proposal from ACMA for exams to be delivered on an online platform at this stage.

Many aspects will need to be fine tuned, such as the exam payment process, searchable available callsign database, callsign registers and allocation of callsigns to applicants.
The Subject syllibi for each licence level will be updated and question pools were discussed to whether they would be open to the public, like many other countries have done such as the USA, New Zealand and Canada or whether they will be closed, such as when the WIA conducted exams a few years ago. There are pros and cons for either method.
Recognition of Prior learning (RPL) and Reciprocal Licencing were briefly discussed. It is important to process applications more efficiently and in a compliant and internationally recognised manner.
ACMA mentioned that there will be a public consultation on the assessments and exam procedures around August this year. As an assessor, it would be prudent to respond to the consultation with your concerns, ideas and solutions to any problems you encounter currently as an AMC Assessor. ACMA are being extremely receptive as they envisage a smooth transition from AMC to the ACMA’s exam service, commencing Feburary 2024.
Given the extensive previous amateur radio exam experience and knowledge of exam delivery, WIA have offered ACMA assistance as required.
You can email ACMA with your concerns at SpectrumLicensingPolicy@acma.gov.au with Assessor accreditation in the subject line.
The WIA will also be responding to the consultation and would welcome any comments and concerns for consideration to their consultation response.
Update from Michael vk3uuu
Hi gents, Close to 80 attended the online meeting with ACMA on Wednesday, basically they wish all current Assessors to become ACMA assessors.
I have attached the presentation put to us if you want to have a look, overall is seemed a positive meeting, and many of the Questions and suggestions that were put forward by the Amateurs present will be taken onboard for their next presentation.
Update from Michael vk3uuu
Hi gents, Close to 80 attended the online meeting with ACMA on Wednesday, basically they wish all current Assessors to become ACMA assessors.
I have attached the presentation put to us if you want to have a look, overall is seemed a positive meeting, and many of the Questions and suggestions that were put forward by the Amateurs present will be taken onboard for their next presentation.
See update above