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From John vk3jco


Subject: Amateur radio reconfirmation of callsign CRM [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear amateur operator,

 IF you recently received an email from asking you to reconfirm your call sign.

You can ignore this email and no action is needed. Apologies that you were sent the email by mistake from our new system. We are working with the IT team now to resolve this, so that no more mistaken emails are sent.

 All amateurs who have asked us to contact them via email will receive emails from the email address in the future, asking them to reconfirm and/or apply to have call signs re-assigned.

However, these emails should not be sent to any amateurs until late 2024 at the earliest. Amateurs will get the email because, under the new amateur radio arrangements that started today, amateur operators will need to:

  • For 2-letter, 3-letter or F-series call signs: re-confirm the call sign every 5 years. Our digital system will email the call sign holder 3 months before the 5 years, inviting them to confirm that they would still like to retain the call sign. The quickest way for the amateur to re-confirm their call sign is to log in to their ACMA Assist account and hit the ‘re-confirm’ button.

  • For VK0, VK9, contest or special event call signs: apply to have the call sign re-assigned to them before it expires. Our digital system will email the call sign holder 3 months before the call sign is due to expire, inviting them to apply to have it re-assigned to them. The quickest way for the amateur to apply is to log into their ACMA Assist account and fill in the application, along with payment and any evidence required to support their application.


If you have any questions about the new arrangements, they are outlined on our website, or you can get in touch by emailing

 Kind regards,


Anneke Van der Weyde (she/her)Manager, Spectrum Licensing Policy

Spectrum Allocations Branch | Communications Infrastructure Division


Australian Communications and Media Authority

+61 3 9963 6785 | +61 409 724 973

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