I regret to inform that our dear friend and longstanding member of Famparc has passed away today, Sunday, November 10th, 2024.
Bruce Bathols, VK3UV now Silent Key, who has passed away today, courageously fought health problems for sometime.
Bruce was an essential and cherished member of our club. His expertise in Ham Radio, along with his vast knowledge, contributed significantly to the development of our club.

You will be dearly missed by all of us, and our thoughts are with his family and friends.
A Live Stream is available of the service. Wed. 20th Nov. 11:30am

From Peter VK3IJ
Sadly, at the weekend we lost one of our members, Bruce Bathols
Bruce was born on 20th January 1941. Bruce had a long history in Ham Radio, obtaining his full call in 1972. He was a valued member of Famparc Club having been our Treasurer until his health deteriorated. He had vast knowledge of Ham Radio and computers and was always ready to pass that onto club members
Following terms as President and Secretary of WIA he was made a Life Member of WIAÂ in 1983.
Bruce was heavily involved in Wicen in the early days of the Murray Marathon
From Craig VK3NCR Famparc President
I have only know Bruce for around 5-6 years, and during that time I found him to be a caring and gentle man. He always had time for me as well as the other members. I had great repsect for him, as he was not only very knoweldable but more important a wonderful human being. I enjoyed having a chat and found that I would always learn from him, as well as, I enjoyed making him a cuppa when he was able to pop into the club.
I like many I will dearly miss this wonderful man.. R.I.P my good friend !
From Peter Clee VK8ZZ
So very sad, he will be sadly missed. Bruce was an Honorary Life Member if the WIA an honour that was well deserved. He had a time as a Member of the WIA Board of Management including both as President and Vice President and was the editor of AR magazine for many years. He also contributed to the institute in so many ways.
Please let me know if his funeral will be streamed
Peter Clee       VK8ZZÂ
WIA Director and Company Secretary

Bruce once told the story of how he was called to his friend's house at Christmas in 1974 to help his friend run a 24 hour station into Darwin after cyclone Tracy had hit. They were the first, and for a while the only, communications into Darwin. His friend's shack was full of police and emergency services trying to assess the damage and plan the response.
I bought an old Daiwa CNW-518 matching unit from Bruce, off the second-hand table at FAMPARC. It still sits on my desk and reminds me of him. Vale Bruce.
Hello,‘I am Bruce’s daughter Jackie. Thank you form your kind words about him. The service will be live streamed also, here’s the link.
I first met Bruckles in the late 70s. Initially he helped me gretly through his banking association. Later, when he retired from banking, he joined with me in a little computer business for many years. Somehow, it seemed to work. I also had the honour of having Bruce being the marriage celebrant for Mary and I some 14 years ago.
A top guy who was always there to help and support.
Bruce was an Honorary Life Member if the WIA an honour that was so well deserved. Indeed he was a gentleman.
He had a time as a Member of the WIA Board of Management including both as President and Vice President and was the editor of AR magazine for many years. He also contributed to the institute in so many ways. I know he was also very involved in RAOTC and FAMPARC as well.
Bruce was always up for a chat and I always very much enjoyed catching up with him over the years especially on the occasions when I visited your club for the weekly morning tea. I too have known Bruce for many years and will…
This is the passing of a gentleman, who would always greet you with a smile and very approachable about many things. A sad day for those who knew Bruce and more so for his family members. Rest in Peace.