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Updated: Dec 31, 2023

Hello Famparc Members,

We are proud to announce the club has a new addition to the Radio Shack.

It's the sister radio to the clubs Icom IC-7300, the IC-9700.

144, 430/440, and 1200 MHz All Mode Transceiver Including Satellite, DV, and DD Modes

The IC-9700 is an all mode Tri-band transceiver, covering 2 m, 70 cm, and 23 cm. In addition to the traditional SSB, AM, FM, CW, and RTTY modes, the transceiver also incorporates D-STAR (Digital Smart Technology for Amateur Radio) DV and DD modes. A full featured Satellite mode is built-in! There are three antenna connectors, one each for 144, 430/440, and 1200 MHz.

RF Direct Sampling, for 144 MHz and 430/440 MHz, is utilized in the IC-9700. For 1200 MHz, the Down Conversion IF Sampling method is adopted. In this system, signals are digitized by the ADC and processed in the FPGA. The signals are processed in the digital domain, thus eliminating distortion and other nonlinear elements seen in the legacy superheterodyne receivers. The outcome is that the signal purity is very high, and clear audio can be generated.

D-STAR Operation Friendly Functions

The IC-9700 has the D-STAR Repeater (DR) function that has been well received by D-STAR enthusiasts. The DR function can be used on both the Main and Sub bands simultaneously to listen to two separate DV signals. Moreover, by using the DD mode, you can browse the Internet through a repeater station. D-STAR System Introduction

As well as many more features... CLICK HERE


30th Dec, 2023

With help from Terry VK3BMX, the new IC-9700 now has lots of memory stations for FM Repeaters and D-Star Repeaters.

I also have exchanged an antenna for a Tri-Band Antenna (2M, 70cm, 23cm).

We are still awaiting delivery of the Triplexer for the new Antenna.

We are currently using only the 2M/70cm band Antenna that is at the front of the club rooms. So it is fully operational on those bands.

The Digital side (D-Star) is working a treat, and many local and overseas stations have been worked by this amazing system.

So.. feel free to use the radio, however I would suggest if you are unfamiliar with the operation that you ask someone at the club who is. You will be more than welcome to use it.. that's what the shack is for.

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Unknown member
Dec 17, 2023

Hi from the UK (I'm a friend of Roy from when he lived in England) and I also have the IC-9700 and it is a great VHF/UHF radio, in my opinion. Good luck with it. Cheers - Dave (G0DJA)


Unknown member
Dec 17, 2023

Of course now we need three antennas no less for one radio. Hmmm. Wonder how that works. Progress I guess.

Unknown member
Dec 18, 2023
Replying to

Yep.. sure are.. one of the 2M Beams I donated years ago.. but may take it back for when we move to Maffra.




Unknown member
Dec 17, 2023

Well done. Craig. Now two put up the Horizontals. Listening to the Broken Hill , Dural NSW and East Gippsland Beacons from Narrandera. FT 8 also running on 2m here. On 6m. International. Plenty to do on that beast.

Unknown member
Dec 17, 2023
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Thanks Peter, yes.. moving ahead mate.. Lots to do in the new year for sure..

Cheers mate.


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