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Some of you may or may not know that there is a Victorian DStar Users Group Club.

The club was formed many years ago to support both DStar users as well as the funding of the VK3RWN DStar repeater located on Mount Dandenong.

VK3RWN is a very popular DStar repeater having both 2M and 70cm repeaters.

2M Port C is connected to the 23C DStar Reflector, and the 70cm Repeater, is either connected to 001C Reflector or at time idle and not connected. Note: both ports can be connected to the many other Reflectors around the world.

INVITE (Sat. 1st June)

Before Covid hit, the Club use to hold a regular get togther at a MCDonalds Restaurant on the Princes Hwy just out of Dandenong.

Some time has passed and a few in the group decided to re-activate the regular get together.

David VK3DLR has arranged for the club members to meet on the Saturday 1st June at 1pm.

It has been mentioned that DStar Club members drop into the Famparc Club rooms prior to the lunch. What a great idea.

Also, the DStar Club has extended an invitation to all Famparc members to attend the lunch!!

So make the date clear for Saturday 1st June 1pm.

McDonalds Dandenong Location

See you there Saturday 1st June 1pm.

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2 Yorum

Bilinmeyen üye
17 May

Isn’t that the day of our club meeting?

Bilinmeyen üye
17 May
Åžu kiÅŸiye cevap veriliyor:

Yep sure is .. and the problem is ?

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