The month of June 2023 sees the centenary celebration of organised amateur radio in Tasmania.
There are a huge number of activities happening throughout the month of June and beyond. These include:
Operation of the Special Centenary callsign – VK7WIA
Any Amateur Radio Operator with a VK7 callsign and based in Tasmania can apply to operate the special event callsign for a short period in the month of June.
Watch this space for the link to the rostering and logging system that will be come available very soon.
Contact person for the operation of the VK7WIA callsign is Reg Emmett VK7KK –

Trevor obtained the call 7AA in 1922. When international communication became possible, it became necessary to add letters to identify the countries, hence the “A” for Australia.
Special QSL cards will be available as a physical card or an electronic card via LOTW.

Hobart Radio Research Club QSL Card (circa 1930s)
Special Centenary Award Certificate will be available for those amateurs who meet the following centenary award conditions:
At least one RF phone contact;
10 Contacts with VK7WIA within VK/ZL
5 Contacts with VK7WIA outside VK/ZL
There will be special Tassie Devil Award – Centenary Endorsements available

Bill Nicholas, VK7WR, won the hidden transmitter hunt at the Field Day in Hobart in 1935.
Open Days held around the State – amateur radio historic and working displays open to the public:
SOUTH – Saturday June 10th – Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania Inc – Queens Domain Clubrooms, Hobart
Contact Rod Finlayson VK7TRF –
NORTH – Saturday June 17th – Northern Tasmanian Amateur Radio Club Inc. – Scout Hall Archer St, Rocherlea, Launceston
Contact Peter Dowde VK7PD –
NORTH WEST – Saturday June 24th – North West Tasmania Amateur Radio Club Inc. – Scout Hall Alexandra Road Ulverstone
Contact Eric van de Neut VK7EV –

Media Opportunities to promote amateur Radio to the general public.
Contact person is Reg Emmett VK7KK –
Amateur Radio Magazine will have features on VK7 History starting in the May/June edition with a history of amateur radio in Tasmania (VK7).
WIA National News Broadcast will be coming from VK7 on the 18th June 2023.
And many more activities – watch this space.
This event is support by our national representative body the Wireless Institute of Australia.
Some of the amateurs at an exhibition in Launceston.

The VK7 Centenary is:
Justin Giles-Clark VK7TW
Reg Emmett VK7KK
Rod Finlayson VK7TRF
Peter Dowde VK7PD
Eric Van De Neut VK7EV
Mike Jenner VK7FB
Linda Luther VK7QP
Phil Corby VK7ZAX
Committee contact email is:

Len Crooks VK7BQ in his Shack in May 1969.
Content supplied by: Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania Inc.
Craig. vk3ncr

Thanks Craig
We’ll be over there during some of this time touring with a car club, so hope to catch up with some of their members🤓