My shack is in my study and as such everyone in house can hear my audio. Have found an excellent Bluetooth headset that I got from Amazon for $26. Headset has great audio, is light, pairs easily, and has a good working range- I can walk to kitchen to get a coffee and still receive audio from radio.
Setting up on IC-705 is easy, and has a couple of options. I've set mine up for audio in only, and use IC-705 microphone for Tx. When I get the time I'll experiment with microphone on headset.
Attached is a screenshot from Amazon showing the item.

As you can see, the headset recharges when you put it back in its box, or you can charge using USB cable.
Further to the above, I have been able to program my VOV/BK-IN button as a PTT switch, which means I can now use the full function of this headset.
Testing has shown that Rx quality is similar to stand microphone.
Brilliant! Great idea and thanks for sharing..
Would love to see if you can setup the microphone.. perhaps you could use the Vox in the radio.
Good job!